Our simple aim is to make the language learner’s journey faster and easier. With Lingotran, quickly learning to speak a foreign language is now within everyone's reach.

Lingotran Private Limited is a digital language learning company based in Mysore, India. At Lingotran we are building a digital platform to teach foreign languages in a way that rapidly accelerates conversational ability.

Our Story

One of our founders, Alexis, was born in Mysore, India, but grew up in London. Over the years he reached conversational ability in German, French, Portuguese, Spanish and Hindi.

“When I returned to India after my schooling I had great difficulty reconnecting with the people I met due to the language barrier. Without an aptitude for study I was locked out from a world I wanted to explore. When I travelled through India extensively later in my adult life it seemed clear that even a basic level of conversational ability would transform many situations. During that time I spent almost three months learning Hindi and never quite managed to speak in a way I found conversationally satisfying. Over time this inability became deeply frustrating. It occurred to me that without a fundamental understanding of how the language worked I couldn’t progress quickly enough and this became demotivating.  

While in Goa I learnt German with an excellent teacher who taught me intensively. I needed reference materials to practice what I had learned. As a result, I made various charts for review that helped me to recall and speak German later. It occurred to me that these materials could be applied to other languages as well. Determined to solve my previous language learning challenges, I started building a system that would allow me to teach myself methodically. Combined with lessons and content gathered from locals and tutors over the years I developed a systematic approach for rapid acquisition of grammar.

While living in Portugal I started teaching Portuguese using these new learning materials. Over time the materials and the process were refined and found to significantly accelerate language learning for all my students.

Wanting to bring my discoveries to the wider world I connected with like-minded founders who are also driven to make a difference. We have set out to build a company around a digital platform that can deliver this learning experience.“

-Alexis Kersey

Our Vision

We want people to make stronger connections
through language

Our Mission

We want to build the most effective language
learning platform that can make learners become
conversationally proficient in two months

Our Values

Our Team